Thursday, January 15, 2009

on the heroes

i'm still totally stunned by today's non-fatal plane crash in NYC. There's a lot of horrible stuff going on in the world today but you have to thank God for taking 150 people who should be dead and saving them.

For the record, I think the media are not giving enough credit to the non-captain crew. They got 150 people off a plane, after a crash landing, before it sinks??? Unbelievable. Hire that crew to redesign the regular-life airplane experience, too, so we can all get off a little faster.

Also one of the passengers mentioned that the women and children really did get off first. I've never once thought of that when envisioning a crash in an airplane -- seems to me, no matter who you are, "get out and get out of the way" would be most efficient. and yes, help the weak and the old, etc. But are we really in a world where women are "weak"? Not criticizing, just surprised. And very pleased that they made news with it so if it happens to me now i know to not be the jerk who jumps in front of the women.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, physiologically, women do not have as much testosterone as men do, which can really impact strength. So I think weak might just be a relative term. I think it is nice that the guys made sure everyone who might be 'smaller' or 'weaker' than them off the plane first.

I agree that the rest of the crew should get more media praise. They did a really great job.
