Friday, November 21, 2008

why is this OK?

Does it seem odd that the word "orgy" is acceptable in polite company, political discourse, etc.?

Friday, November 14, 2008

this show is freaking amazing

ignore the awful soundtrack to this clip, but watch Whale Wars (animal planet, 9 pm fridays). I'm not even sure I support them 100% but it is absolutely heart stopping television.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

it's not the end

it's just the beginning. but a beautiful start it is.

Monday, November 3, 2008

this is it

tomorrow is the day. check out what one swing voter learned about how Obama's campaign is emblematic of a lot of things going on in this country today:

My wife made me canvass for Obama; here's what I learned

It's never been about him. It's about you. It's about us. Vote!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

so That's what she's been up to...


b'lieve it or not, i'm still alive, but unlike the shark i won't die if i stop blogging.

for the record, i'm stealing this web gem from ... but it is topical for my readership... watch to find out which one of the people from our past is apparently starring in a tawdry web show. i mean, you only see her for a second, and the brunette thing seems accurate, so i'm sure it's her...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

don't breath. don't move.

heart, stop beating. she'll hear.

a skunk just walked three feet from my head.

i'm 5'9''.

three feet from my head.

generally speaking, the apartment half-sunk into the ground agrees with me. not quite as much light as i'd like, but otherwise it kicks butt. unless you happen to be sitting at your computer and a skunk walks right next to your window which is wide fucking open.

i'm a survivor. s/he didn't seem to find me at all interesting or spray worthy. but how much would that suck to get sprayed by a skunk while sitting in your living room.

by the way, when did skunks become mostly white? is this a great white north thing? and i thought you could smell them coming. is that only if they'd sprayed lately?

i was more fond of the opossum who pulled the same trick while i was washing dishes last week.

is it fucking halloween? now there's a cute little orange-and-white kitten looking in at me.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i really, really don't want to forget

large brown egg boiling experiment today:

started with rolling boiling, unsalted water.

added 10 eggs.

at 5 minutes, took out the two cracked ones. they were delicious, very soft, cooled in a bit of cool water before peeling.

at 12 minutes, took eggs by tongs into cool water. dump out water several times to continue cooling.

sampled 1 egg. just barely boiled enough. awesome.

did you really read this whole post? thought: the US men's volleyball team looks like the biggest group of douchers in beijing. biggest douchers, not biggest group. excuse me. what a bunch of a--holes. actually it just might be the bearded, tatted-up jerktard. maybe the other guys are ok.

is there an emoticon for thumbs-up?

OK, i learned sometime in college that my political commentary abilities are not better than your average bear's. so i've tried to keep politically quiet (as well as everything-else quiet, yes I know i never blog). but this is just ridiculous. Do allow me to tell you why:
McCain ad says Obama snubbed Clinton in VP pick
By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer
DENVER - John McCain's campaign suggested Sunday that rival Barack Obama snubbed Hillary Rodham Clinton as his running mate because of her criticism during the battle for the Democratic nomination. Obama's campaign dismissed the claim as the candidate praised Joe Biden, the man he did choose. etc. etc. etc.

Reasons why this is ridiculous:
1. The logical extension of this argument is that Obama Should Have Picked Hilary. Which implies that Hilary is a choice that McCain would agree with, would think is a good idea. So the idea is that there's Hilary supporters out there who are saying "Golly, McCain criticizes Obama for the same major thing I do. I guess he's a guy I agree with about Supreme Court nominations and energy policy." I know I can be pretty cynical about the logic abilities of average americans, but there's a limit. It's actually pretty insulting that McCain would think that would work.

1b. Does anyone really think that the McCain campaign didn't have anti-Hilary ads already cut and edited, the same way they had ones ready for the choice of Biden? If he really thinks Hilary should have been chosen, then I guess McCain's lucky because now he can choose her. (Actually, I think the cleverest thing McCain could do would be to pick a woman as his VP. as far as I know there aren't any high profile female republicans on his radar, but it be a hell of a lot more effective at capitalizing on Obama-snubbed-Hilary sentiment that just saying "hey, obama snubbed Hilary." if this happens credit Ideas by Notafly Aug 24 2008.)

2. Note that his argument is that Hilary criticized Obama too much. 2a So? Welcome to the primaries. 2b The McCain ad broadcasts the quotes of Biden criticizing Obama. So the argument is that Obama made a bad choice because it doesn't give McCain as much ammunition for a gun he's already decided to use?

In the end, the fact that all the criticism of the VP pick so far seems to have nothing to do with the quality of the candidate, I'll take the steak over the sizzle any day.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

T. V.

for the first time in 17 months, i have a TV. no cable, mind you, nothing crazy, but i have a few good channels and a remote. so far, not entirely different from life in phoenix (last time i had both TV and my own apartment), but not entirely the same either, which is good.

i would like to make some comments about TV. maybe everybody knows these things, but since it's not about Lost or Battlestar or Bones or House or especially The Wire, my social sphere hasn't been talking about these shows:

(i was going to save the good one for last but realized i might not hold my audience through the 2 negative reviews so i'll start here)
--viva piñata. this is an incomprehensible setting for a show, but here goes. there's a land populated by piñatas that are alive. they eat candy and do all the things that civilized beings do but then some day the highest honor is to be shot out of a cannon to end up at a party in which you are used as a piñata. this seems to make everyone happy but the main character who spends his time avoiding 'the call,' enforced by a small footless frog piñata. it makes no sense at all but is really cleverly written. the main character (fergy fudgehog) gets to say 'fudge' when things go wrong, which while not technically swearing is still amusingly dirty for a kids show. and they are doing some great mockeries of presidential ads. seriously, a great show.

-- the suite life with zach and cody. I was intrigued to watch this show (nerd alert) mostly because of Dan Savage's commentary on it on This American Life. DS finds the show creepy because of its horrific portrayal of heterosexuality vis-a-vis zach (or cody. they're twins.), in which 11-year-old zach (or cody) makes all kinds of advances on the 16-year-old girl who works in a gift shop. while i did manage to see the jumbled up stereotypes mentioned by DS (ditzy asian teen heiress, "meticulous"/flaming black bellman), i couldn't stomach enough to hold out for a storyline involving creepy tween love. thumbs down for being a kids show with apparently no redeeming sociological study value for curious old people like yours truly.

-- hannah montana. it was not until i watched this show that i realized that the entire hannah montana thing happened without me and i have no real idea what it is about. actually some of the schtick was amusing. also it has billy ray cyrus, whose meteoric re-career is a good reminder that miracles do happen and so that's a Good Thing. but i guess the show is so far along that they don't really run with the 'pop star' storyline, so it's just a story about a dad and some kids and their friends. i was at least hoping for an unrelated music video or something, kind of like the monkees. (didn't the monkees also have scooby-doo-like action montages set to monkees music? if not, they should have. and HM should have, too.) the acting was really pretty bad on this show, particularly from this kid who is maybe supposed to be HM's brother? from the commercials i gather he's like a tween phenom who's had a few [i'm guessing dvd-only] movies that exist only to increase his visibility. there was one other strangitude, which i can't categorize i can just explain. in one scene, billy ray is attempting to plunge the sink. the pushing step is clearly getting more muscle than the pulling step. admittedly this is not necessarily common knowledge, but a lot of people do know that this is not the right way to plunge effectively. the pulling step is where the magic happens. pushing is just to set things up for the pulling. OK, that's forgivable. but everybody, Everybody, EVERYBODY knows that when you run the garbage disposal, you run water. this is not a fucking secret. so how is it that the writer, director, actors, stagehands, studio executives found it reasonable to have a garbage-disposing scene in which no water is run?? because kids don't know any better, you don't have to portray normal parts of the real world realistically?

ok, although i will probably have the opportunity for actual adult programming (not that kind, you perv, i told you i don't have internet. actually maybe i didn't tell you. i don't have internet yet.), let's decide right now that i don't need to review TV for everyone. most of you already know its witching ways.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

no, the donkey didn't fart

most of you know my email address and most of you have gmail anyway, so it's not like this is a terribly new thing... but i just think it's so cool. from the blog, you can chat with me anonymously as long as i'm signed into gmail. amazing.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

modern artist

liam is amazing. he does everything himself, throws it on a mac, mixes it around, and what pops out is not only a pretty badass video but also great source of dance moves for skinny white guys.

Monday, April 21, 2008

how would bill vote?

how do you like them "it depends on what the meaning of the word is is"s?

in fairness to Hilary's candidacy, i suppose, we should note that the think/hope candidate did indeed lose to the scare/fear candidate in 2004.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

the Firstutts project

"who wants soup?"

announcing the first not a fly ongoing performance art project. many of us have had changes to our living arrangements, jobs, states, etc. in the last year... i daresay that is true for almost all of my known readership.

i issue the following challenge: the first words that you actually utter each day, try to remember them. (an exercise in self awareness at least, perhaps interesting blog fodder at best.) when you're in the blogosphere, go to this post -- there will be a new, prominent link -- and comment with your first utterance of the day (Firstutts... turns out there is already a Firstlines project to catalog olde tyme radio shows by their first line... oh well). feel free to use onomatopoeia, to post anonymously (those two may go together, if your sex life gets that post-30 bump that i keep hearing about but haven't managed to capitalize on), to give an explanation or to leave it as an artfully unexplained flotsam. i encourage both the weird and the mundane, the english and the foreign.

the point is: what was the first thing that was so important that you had to say it out loud?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

goin' to california

can you blame me? even a snowstorm with the big fat pretty flakes -- the kind that almost wooed me to winters' virtures -- can't fool me now.

so, no achin' in my heart, no flowers in my hair, but tomorrow i get to go enjoy the lifestyle that i kept reminding the natives "isn't what real life is like."


*i really dislike the term yay, for some reason, but i say it all the time. i've decided that's how i spell mine.

Monday, March 24, 2008

How do you Plead?

I'm enjoying Meatloaf just enough to admit listening to it (which is to say, WAY too much). So I begin my list of guilty pleasures:

Meatloaf: Bat Out of Hell 2 (Back into Hell)
-Everything louder than everything else!
-I would do anything for love!
Blink-182: Enema of the State, Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, and other puns that are clever in middle school:
-Anthem Pt. II
-fuck it, i usually listen to the whole damn thing
-the white stuff
-the cookies
Ignoring my blog and then expecting loyal readers to read and comment back with their guilty pleasures:

Friday, February 22, 2008

wake UP, shaka zulu!

this morning i discovered how shocking it is to be half-asleep when the NPR reporter says, "According to <your name here>..."

turns out that if you mix the adrenaline of being caught in class unprepared with the self-indulgent glee that I think one would and should take in the elitist intellectual hall of fame known as NPR, it's one hell of a morning latte:

<full disclosure, I edited this blog entry. turns out if you just type the <> things, blogger thinks it's html and ignores what's written in the middle.>

Sunday, January 27, 2008

blog update

since it is Part of my Page and therefore Incredibly Important, might I draw your attention to the new lineup of links, who will live below the delegate counters, flawed as they may be, until we have some Republican and, God and my American Express willing, Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee.

yep, one should not blog via neighbor's wireless* after finishing off the 2nd day of a bottle of red wine. ok, not quite finished. but it's time to stop.

Anyway, I invite you to check out the new-ish lineup of links, somewhere to the right of the post. AdamX, the "canadian blogger" will show you what a real blog looks like and behaves like. Too Beautiful To Live is just an awesome new radio show out of Seattle on AM 710 KIRO; they podcast and allegedly the new TBTL website drops tomorrow. I recommend Jan 21 as an excellent show to start on. Both hours 1 and 2 are great. I'm sure hour 3 is great too, but... i don't exactly remember.** Oh hell, i'm listening to hour 2 again and it is so great.

Biologists Helping Bookstores hasn't done Anything in awhile, but in fairness, i lived that year that he's living last year (make sense?), and I don't blame him. Four Miles from Boring has been slow, yet definitely living up to the name. In a weird way that FMfB sentence relates to the one before it in ways that luckily i'll never need to describe.

all my blogs? seems to think that South Dakota is colder than Michigan. Luckily for amb?, i've been told about the dakotas and i admit that yes, they are coldest. however, somewhere in this blog I intend to document the horribly cold beauty i have endured here in the cold white Midwest.

OK, I don't think I'll offend the BPP by neglecting to mention anything interesting on its blog. That leaves two matters to attend to. 1) The inexplicably broken in German, blog de Patricia has been removed... like me and social networking sites, there's just too much bullshit to deal with as an adult to do that. And after it was broken in English, it was much less interesting as broken blogs go.

2) Finally, Barack Obama. Please, please, please lend this man (and NO, I don't just mean "man" because THAT's somehow better than a woman) your ear and, if you are a citizen and you believe in what a really different, really awesome candidate can do to really rescue our country from the huge, huge hole we've dug ourselves, give him some money. Or, if you are in a Super Tuesday state, or even a state that has friggin' nonzero delegates at the convention, just vote for him!

and get a good night's sleep. say your prayers and be optimistic!

*why is it that "maggs Library" shows up in iTunes regardless of whether i'm pirating off one neighbors "linksys" OR "NETGEAR"? If we all sign up for comcast or something, will we be able to listen to each other's iTunes in the neighborhood?

** be proud of me not mentioning that I have been mentioned on an earlier episode. actually almost entirely out of context and fairly inaccurately.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008 Presidential Delegate Counter


(ever notice that when someone uses the word "folks," they are invariably going to say something obnoxious? I will say ... I'm a bit worried that Friends is the Gen X / Gen Y version.)

It's surprisingly difficult to find a well maintained counter of the delegate count in the 2008 race. Luckily MyDD not only does the job for you, there are neato applets for me and you here. But you don't need them, you can always come to Not A Fly blog :) Just because I've effectively stopped checking the hit count doesn't mean that I don't care a little.

Dennis Kucinich held a rally in the same building as my lab the other day! What a pure-hearted, well meaning, brilliant, well read, unrealistic crazy person. He's the kind of person who I am glad is able to actually get elected every 2 years, but certainly not the person I am ready to trust as President.

Now I can add him to my collection of blurry photos of presidential candidates. (For those of you who haven't read the small town Iowa press, I went to an Obama rally in Guttenberg, Iowa, to begin my collection.) No matter who is speaking, the flash seems awful rude to me, but that particular situation isn't terribly conducive to long exposures! Below are the two clearest pictures.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

from across the room (okay, 10 feet)

new colleague says, hey, is that some kind of gourmet sandwich or something?