Thursday, September 6, 2007

yes a sandwich blog

So i made a joke the other day that I keep a donut blog. I'm not sure if Ivo was more intrigued by the 'donut' part or the 'my blog' part. He managed to find two donut blogs, obviously neither of which was mine.

Don't get me wrong, i like donuts. I like that whoever brings donuts is a hero for at least 20 minutes until everyone remembers that they like donuts, but feel a little gross after one. And there's still probably more left for an hour down the road.

But what I Love is Sandwiches. So what the hell, I'm going to add sandwich making to the assortment of topics I wander into. (I'm listening to KCRW... did you know there's a band Culver City Duck Collective?) Anyway, expect to see gorgeous sandwich recipes and tips from time to time. And please contribute in the comments (or by emailing me)! Meaty, veggie, vegan, I'm into all of it. I'll probably also post "recipes wanted" ... there's some things out there I just can't replicate and it drives me crazy! Just remember, there really aren't that many people who read this. So your secret recipe will only go out to a select few, or maybe even just me. (Which, in retrospect, looks like the whole point of this. But oh well, is self-indulgent recipe pilfering any worse than self-indulgent ranting in the hopes to entertain ones friends?)

So, next blog is going to be about ingredients. And one note: remember how I pledged to never go back and edit things after posting? I'm suspending that for the Sandwich ingredients post. But it'll be back in effect for recipes and stuff.

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