Tuesday, May 8, 2007

happy birthday, bridget...

oh bridget, i'm sorry we've lost track. there's so much to do that i usually ignore my local friends way more than i want, let alone my friends from college.

your birthday is indelibly branded into my brain, on account of the speeding ticket. how did i know i was going to get my first speeding ticket that day? how did i get it just farther enough in the day that i'd forgotten about my own prognostication? why did the cop claim i was going 69? there's no way i was doing 69.

i remember shouting "there's no way i was doing 69" across willamette hall. seems to me, if you're doing 69, you'd probably remember it. i mean, 69 isn't easy to do well, if at all. how many of us were there? in a little toyota? almost seems physically impossible to do 69 with four friends in a corolla. it's friggin' oregon! why is 69 even illegal? probably on account of the gas.


Allison said...

If this is Darwin in which you speak (and I know that it is..), there is no way you can describe that car as "little." This, from someone who climbed through the back of your unlocked hatch to the front seat..

Oh, and I'm finally replacing the Protege..I bought a brand new Nissan Versa on Cinco! Ole!

Anonymous said...

almost seems physically impossible to do 69 with four friends in a corolla.

I don't think it is still 69 if there are more than two people involved. ;) Unless some are just watching. Yeah.

Anyway, you'll have to visit exit 69 on the 75 once you make it to Michigan. Big Beaver Road.

(hope it is ok that I read your blog)