Tuesday, August 26, 2008

don't breath. don't move.

heart, stop beating. she'll hear.

a skunk just walked three feet from my head.

i'm 5'9''.

three feet from my head.

generally speaking, the apartment half-sunk into the ground agrees with me. not quite as much light as i'd like, but otherwise it kicks butt. unless you happen to be sitting at your computer and a skunk walks right next to your window which is wide fucking open.

i'm a survivor. s/he didn't seem to find me at all interesting or spray worthy. but how much would that suck to get sprayed by a skunk while sitting in your living room.

by the way, when did skunks become mostly white? is this a great white north thing? and i thought you could smell them coming. is that only if they'd sprayed lately?

i was more fond of the opossum who pulled the same trick while i was washing dishes last week.

is it fucking halloween? now there's a cute little orange-and-white kitten looking in at me.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i really, really don't want to forget

large brown egg boiling experiment today:

started with rolling boiling, unsalted water.

added 10 eggs.

at 5 minutes, took out the two cracked ones. they were delicious, very soft, cooled in a bit of cool water before peeling.

at 12 minutes, took eggs by tongs into cool water. dump out water several times to continue cooling.

sampled 1 egg. just barely boiled enough. awesome.

did you really read this whole post? thought: the US men's volleyball team looks like the biggest group of douchers in beijing. biggest douchers, not biggest group. excuse me. what a bunch of a--holes. actually it just might be the bearded, tatted-up jerktard. maybe the other guys are ok.

is there an emoticon for thumbs-up?

OK, i learned sometime in college that my political commentary abilities are not better than your average bear's. so i've tried to keep politically quiet (as well as everything-else quiet, yes I know i never blog). but this is just ridiculous. Do allow me to tell you why:

McCain ad says Obama snubbed Clinton in VP pick
By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer
DENVER - John McCain's campaign suggested Sunday that rival Barack Obama snubbed Hillary Rodham Clinton as his running mate because of her criticism during the battle for the Democratic nomination. Obama's campaign dismissed the claim as the candidate praised Joe Biden, the man he did choose. etc. etc. etc.

Reasons why this is ridiculous:
1. The logical extension of this argument is that Obama Should Have Picked Hilary. Which implies that Hilary is a choice that McCain would agree with, would think is a good idea. So the idea is that there's Hilary supporters out there who are saying "Golly, McCain criticizes Obama for the same major thing I do. I guess he's a guy I agree with about Supreme Court nominations and energy policy." I know I can be pretty cynical about the logic abilities of average americans, but there's a limit. It's actually pretty insulting that McCain would think that would work.

1b. Does anyone really think that the McCain campaign didn't have anti-Hilary ads already cut and edited, the same way they had ones ready for the choice of Biden? If he really thinks Hilary should have been chosen, then I guess McCain's lucky because now he can choose her. (Actually, I think the cleverest thing McCain could do would be to pick a woman as his VP. as far as I know there aren't any high profile female republicans on his radar, but it be a hell of a lot more effective at capitalizing on Obama-snubbed-Hilary sentiment that just saying "hey, obama snubbed Hilary." if this happens credit Ideas by Notafly Aug 24 2008.)

2. Note that his argument is that Hilary criticized Obama too much. 2a So? Welcome to the primaries. 2b The McCain ad broadcasts the quotes of Biden criticizing Obama. So the argument is that Obama made a bad choice because it doesn't give McCain as much ammunition for a gun he's already decided to use?

In the end, the fact that all the criticism of the VP pick so far seems to have nothing to do with the quality of the candidate, I'll take the steak over the sizzle any day.