Sunday, January 27, 2008

blog update

since it is Part of my Page and therefore Incredibly Important, might I draw your attention to the new lineup of links, who will live below the delegate counters, flawed as they may be, until we have some Republican and, God and my American Express willing, Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee.

yep, one should not blog via neighbor's wireless* after finishing off the 2nd day of a bottle of red wine. ok, not quite finished. but it's time to stop.

Anyway, I invite you to check out the new-ish lineup of links, somewhere to the right of the post. AdamX, the "canadian blogger" will show you what a real blog looks like and behaves like. Too Beautiful To Live is just an awesome new radio show out of Seattle on AM 710 KIRO; they podcast and allegedly the new TBTL website drops tomorrow. I recommend Jan 21 as an excellent show to start on. Both hours 1 and 2 are great. I'm sure hour 3 is great too, but... i don't exactly remember.** Oh hell, i'm listening to hour 2 again and it is so great.

Biologists Helping Bookstores hasn't done Anything in awhile, but in fairness, i lived that year that he's living last year (make sense?), and I don't blame him. Four Miles from Boring has been slow, yet definitely living up to the name. In a weird way that FMfB sentence relates to the one before it in ways that luckily i'll never need to describe.

all my blogs? seems to think that South Dakota is colder than Michigan. Luckily for amb?, i've been told about the dakotas and i admit that yes, they are coldest. however, somewhere in this blog I intend to document the horribly cold beauty i have endured here in the cold white Midwest.

OK, I don't think I'll offend the BPP by neglecting to mention anything interesting on its blog. That leaves two matters to attend to. 1) The inexplicably broken in German, blog de Patricia has been removed... like me and social networking sites, there's just too much bullshit to deal with as an adult to do that. And after it was broken in English, it was much less interesting as broken blogs go.

2) Finally, Barack Obama. Please, please, please lend this man (and NO, I don't just mean "man" because THAT's somehow better than a woman) your ear and, if you are a citizen and you believe in what a really different, really awesome candidate can do to really rescue our country from the huge, huge hole we've dug ourselves, give him some money. Or, if you are in a Super Tuesday state, or even a state that has friggin' nonzero delegates at the convention, just vote for him!

and get a good night's sleep. say your prayers and be optimistic!

*why is it that "maggs Library" shows up in iTunes regardless of whether i'm pirating off one neighbors "linksys" OR "NETGEAR"? If we all sign up for comcast or something, will we be able to listen to each other's iTunes in the neighborhood?

** be proud of me not mentioning that I have been mentioned on an earlier episode. actually almost entirely out of context and fairly inaccurately.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008 Presidential Delegate Counter


(ever notice that when someone uses the word "folks," they are invariably going to say something obnoxious? I will say ... I'm a bit worried that Friends is the Gen X / Gen Y version.)

It's surprisingly difficult to find a well maintained counter of the delegate count in the 2008 race. Luckily MyDD not only does the job for you, there are neato applets for me and you here. But you don't need them, you can always come to Not A Fly blog :) Just because I've effectively stopped checking the hit count doesn't mean that I don't care a little.

Dennis Kucinich held a rally in the same building as my lab the other day! What a pure-hearted, well meaning, brilliant, well read, unrealistic crazy person. He's the kind of person who I am glad is able to actually get elected every 2 years, but certainly not the person I am ready to trust as President.

Now I can add him to my collection of blurry photos of presidential candidates. (For those of you who haven't read the small town Iowa press, I went to an Obama rally in Guttenberg, Iowa, to begin my collection.) No matter who is speaking, the flash seems awful rude to me, but that particular situation isn't terribly conducive to long exposures! Below are the two clearest pictures.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

from across the room (okay, 10 feet)

new colleague says, hey, is that some kind of gourmet sandwich or something?